Friday, August 6, 2010

Learning Indonesian (Belajar Bahasa Indonesia)

Today was my first private lesson with my friend Sandra. Sandra and I met this past year when we were taking a level 2 class of Indonesian at an international school here. We've kept in touch and a couple of weeks ago she asked me to share a private tutor at her home. Today was the first day and we had fun. Sandra and her husband moved here two years ago from Perth, Australia on a retirement visa. They're very nice people. In the following photos, the first is of Sandra and me and the second is of our teacher Nyoman. Nyoman is a common Balinese name given to the third born whether it be female or male (More on this below). We will meet every Wednesday and Friday of the week for a total of ten lessons.

In Balinese culture if you are the first born ( male or female ) you will be called either Putu, Wayan or Nengah. Second born will be called Made or Kadek, third born Nyoman, Ika or Komang, fourth born Ketut. If you are #5 you go back to 1. So the more Balinese you become friends with, the more difficult it is to keep their names straight!